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flatlay on a desk of pens, magnifying glass and paper reading Succession Planning

So, What’s the Plan?

Does your business have a plan in place for when top leadership retires? What about if they decide to quit and leave the company altogether? In today’s competitive job market, it is especially critical that

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Man working at a laptop from a table looking out a sliding glass door

Returning to Work After Covid – Hybrid Work

There is no doubt that the continuing pandemic has forever shifted how employers strategize and how employees value work life balance. Employers were forced to quickly determine ways for their employees to work effectively from home and employees had to completely change their daily work routines.

Given all the changes, both good and bad, and how we have all adjusted, it is important for employers to strategize flexible ways of getting their people back to the office. There are many elements to consider when considering a hybrid work model including the benefits, the negatives, the legal stuff, and having a competitive advantage.

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A post-it note that says his fault, her fault, their fault, not me

The Blame Game – HR strategies for a toxic workplace

“It’s Not Me, It’s You”

Do you have the urge to want to make a run for it when someone is talking your ear off with complaints after complaints? Do they seem to find fault in everything (and everyone) and strongly believe that they are always in the right? People behaving this way will point fingers rather than raising a helping hand or looking in the mirror.

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Arrow painted on sidewalk that says Better Days Ahead

Mentorship Magic from the HR Perspective

The ‘new normal’ is getting old. It’s been almost one year since our children came home for March Break and didn’t return to school until September, and now our upcoming March break has been moved to mid-April – not to mention that any winter getaway travel destinations are as dead as the Dead Sea.

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Why bother with an Employee Handbook if it’s not required by Law?

With no handbook, it becomes very difficult for employer’s to effectively communicate what the expectations are from everyone. A handbook helps to promote consistency and transparency in employment standards, enforces policies and procedures, reduces employee misconduct, and demonstrates a commitment to equal treatment of employees.

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Close up of a hand checking off items on a checklist

Try a NEW New Year’s Resolution this Year!

We are all too familiar with the typical new year’s resolutions that some of us attempt to take on each year. Another idea is to look at taking time to help improve ourselves as HR professionals. HR departments and organizations are continuing to grow and develop and what better time than in a new year for HR professionals to do the same!

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About CulturedHR

At CulturedHR, our team has been strategically built to give you a well-rounded and comprehensive base of knowledge, experience and insight. Not only does our team collectively bring decades of experience, but we also share an unwavering dedication to excellence and professionalism in everything we do.

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