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Same *Pandemic* Different Year

Here we are, a new year and the same lingering, ongoing uncertainties are still here disrupting and affecting our daily lives. Even the most positive of people are having trouble calling the cup ‘half full.’ However, acknowledging the downside is important in order to move into a different frame of mind.

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Re-Evaluating Corporate Culture and Employee Value Proposition

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive cultural shift within the workplace. Many organizations were forever changed by the pandemic when they were forced to alter their means of production. While businesses have been forced to redefine their culture, values, and purpose, it has also given them the opportunity to learn more about their employees. With employees working from home, it is harder to maintain a company culture that embraces diversity, team building, and work friendships.

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Professional Development and Reflection Day

In light of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, September 30th

The government has recently passed legislation to make September 30th a federal statutory holiday called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day is intended to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools.

Ontario has not made this a provincial statutory holiday; however, many provincial organizations are looking to recognize this day and its mandate.

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Man working at a laptop from a table looking out a sliding glass door

Returning to Work After Covid – Hybrid Work

There is no doubt that the continuing pandemic has forever shifted how employers strategize and how employees value work life balance. Employers were forced to quickly determine ways for their employees to work effectively from home and employees had to completely change their daily work routines.

Given all the changes, both good and bad, and how we have all adjusted, it is important for employers to strategize flexible ways of getting their people back to the office. There are many elements to consider when considering a hybrid work model including the benefits, the negatives, the legal stuff, and having a competitive advantage.

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A post-it note that says his fault, her fault, their fault, not me

The Blame Game – HR strategies for a toxic workplace

“It’s Not Me, It’s You”

Do you have the urge to want to make a run for it when someone is talking your ear off with complaints after complaints? Do they seem to find fault in everything (and everyone) and strongly believe that they are always in the right? People behaving this way will point fingers rather than raising a helping hand or looking in the mirror.

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He? She? Me! Gender Inclusivity in Employee Handbooks

We know the topic of gender can be awkward and uncomfortable, we are afraid of doing or saying something wrong and instead of talking about it, we avoid it. Well, this approach can be very damaging, and we won’t make any progress by not addressing it. Gender identity in the workplace can be hard, but we make it harder by not making any strides in the right direction.

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The Appreciation of Effective Communication

How many of us have put ‘Excellent Communication Skills’ on our resume? I would bet it’s close to 100%, but how many of us are truly excellent communicators? As good as our intentions may be, we may be unintentionally making mistakes when communicating that could be prevented before our work (or personal) relationships start to suffer. Why are mistakes happening? The short answer is we are busy, stressed, and/or want to problem-solve quickly to move onto the next thing.

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Can you tell the Morale?

In celebration of Earth day here this week let’s all get outside and get some fresh air and take a deep breath in. There’s nothing better than the present to appreciate being alive, staying healthy and experiencing all that nature has to offer.

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Silhouette of woman raising her fist in the air

The Takeaway from the Dismay

It’s critical (for our spiritual and mental well-being) to reflect on the positive take away(s) and to recognize how important the power of interpretation and perception is for a ‘cup half full’ attitude.

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At CulturedHR, our team has been strategically built to give you a well-rounded and comprehensive base of knowledge, experience and insight. Not only does our team collectively bring decades of experience, but we also share an unwavering dedication to excellence and professionalism in everything we do.

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