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The On-boarding Process

If you have seen the movie The Devil Wears Prada, you will remember Andy’s first weeks at Runway Magazine. Her nervousness was exacerbated by the fact that she was thrown into the lion’s den. Andy received neither a formal orientation nor training and even got a scolding from the “Devil” (her boss) on her choice of footwear. If you were in Andy’s shoes (pun intended), what would you want as part of the on-boarding process at your new organization? 

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Arrow painted on sidewalk that says Better Days Ahead

Mentorship Magic from the HR Perspective

The ‘new normal’ is getting old. It’s been almost one year since our children came home for March Break and didn’t return to school until September, and now our upcoming March break has been moved to mid-April – not to mention that any winter getaway travel destinations are as dead as the Dead Sea.

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At CulturedHR, our team has been strategically built to give you a well-rounded and comprehensive base of knowledge, experience and insight. Not only does our team collectively bring decades of experience, but we also share an unwavering dedication to excellence and professionalism in everything we do.

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