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Don’t be in Defiance with AODA’s 2023 Compliance!

Will your business be ready to submit the required accessibility compliance report before year end? Filling out the report is a legal obligation under the AODA. The next accessibility compliance report is due on December 31, 2023, for businesses and non-profits of 20 or more employees.

This means organizations are to show their ongoing compliance under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) via their submission of an accessibility compliance report to the Government of Ontario. 

Read on to find out what’s required and what necessary steps to take while there’s still time to do so. 

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Why HR Metrics Matter & The Connection to Employee Happiness & Productivity

Every organization strives for a happy and productive workforce. So why is this not always the result? Just wanting it so doesn’t make it so. It’s not just about listening to employee’s concerns – it’s also doing something about it. This involves measuring our data (numbers) and transforming it into useful information (meaning). The key is to pull out the valuable numbers that are hiding in our organizations that are patiently waiting to be found.

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Same *Pandemic* Different Year

Here we are, a new year and the same lingering, ongoing uncertainties are still here disrupting and affecting our daily lives. Even the most positive of people are having trouble calling the cup ‘half full.’ However, acknowledging the downside is important in order to move into a different frame of mind.

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A post-it note that says his fault, her fault, their fault, not me

The Blame Game – HR strategies for a toxic workplace

“It’s Not Me, It’s You”

Do you have the urge to want to make a run for it when someone is talking your ear off with complaints after complaints? Do they seem to find fault in everything (and everyone) and strongly believe that they are always in the right? People behaving this way will point fingers rather than raising a helping hand or looking in the mirror.

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The Appreciation of Effective Communication

How many of us have put ‘Excellent Communication Skills’ on our resume? I would bet it’s close to 100%, but how many of us are truly excellent communicators? As good as our intentions may be, we may be unintentionally making mistakes when communicating that could be prevented before our work (or personal) relationships start to suffer. Why are mistakes happening? The short answer is we are busy, stressed, and/or want to problem-solve quickly to move onto the next thing.

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Can you tell the Morale?

In celebration of Earth day here this week let’s all get outside and get some fresh air and take a deep breath in. There’s nothing better than the present to appreciate being alive, staying healthy and experiencing all that nature has to offer.

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Silhouette of woman raising her fist in the air

The Takeaway from the Dismay

It’s critical (for our spiritual and mental well-being) to reflect on the positive take away(s) and to recognize how important the power of interpretation and perception is for a ‘cup half full’ attitude.

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Arrow painted on sidewalk that says Better Days Ahead

Mentorship Magic from the HR Perspective

The ‘new normal’ is getting old. It’s been almost one year since our children came home for March Break and didn’t return to school until September, and now our upcoming March break has been moved to mid-April – not to mention that any winter getaway travel destinations are as dead as the Dead Sea.

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Pink neon sign on green plant wall that says and breathe

Self-Care – Is it There?

Put on ‘one hat’ at a time whenever possible. Some of the best ideas, problem-solving and self-care strategies come when the screens are put down. Watch a comedy. Happily yell “Excellent!” when you spill your coffee. Set up an awesome long-term workstation for yourself. I dare you to put a little salmon oil in your protein shake. Don’t suffer alone if you need more support – call your Doctor.

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Close up of an ornament on a Christmas tree

The Importance of Acknowledging the not-so-Merry Right Now

Although many of us are considered to be bubbly and upbeat business professionals, the stressors and uncertainties from the pandemic can knock down even the most positive of individuals. It can also be further argued that those who possess stronger empathetic tendencies have sunk to all-time lows due to the insurmountable concerns to do with the suffering and safety of so many. Top that off with our ever-diminishing social circles and taking the “human” interaction out of our human resources, it’s not surprising that most of us are not at our best right now!

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About CulturedHR

At CulturedHR, our team has been strategically built to give you a well-rounded and comprehensive base of knowledge, experience and insight. Not only does our team collectively bring decades of experience, but we also share an unwavering dedication to excellence and professionalism in everything we do.

Brandy sitting at a table with a mug

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