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Same *Pandemic* Different Year

Here we are, a new year and the same lingering, ongoing uncertainties are still here disrupting and affecting our daily lives.  Even the most positive of people are having trouble calling the cup ‘half full.’  However, acknowledging the downside is important in order to move into a different frame of mind.   Recognizing the ‘this sucks right now’ is okay as long as we don’t get stuck in this mindset.  Let’s take a minute from our overwhelming, virtual, ever-changing, sporadically home-schooling, highly demanding, still-in-a-pandemic world for just a moment and look at what we can control both personally and professionally.

The Personal Chapter

Look After You First!
Does this sound selfish? It shouldn’t.  If you are not practicing self-care and not at your best, then how do you expect yourself to look after everyone else? As professionals (and parents), we are also leading by example, so if we are not taking care of ourselves and practicing positivity then how can we expect others to do the same?  It’s also important to keep up with our routine as much as possible.  Everything seems to take a little more effort right now, but these efforts keep us focused, one goal at a time.  Above all else, take some time out of our busy day for your health and wellness.  

Travel Plans – Yes, Travel Plans

No one thought the pandemic would last as long as it has.  Long overdue are our family trips to Disney and our all-inclusive resort vacations.  Planning a trip will help to lift our spirits and give us something to look forward to.  Yes, our plans may have to change, but we understand that and can plan accordingly.  It’s a healthy move to begin making plans and living our lives.

The Professional Chapter

Mental Health Benefits Plan

It’s no surprise that mental-health is a top priority for many organizations – and it should be. Look at what your organization can do to further support mental health for employees and their families.  Consider amendments to your benefit plan (i.e.  additional paramedical) and review your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Ensure your updates are effectively communicated out to ensure successful utilization.

New Policies

Review your policies and procedures early in the new year and consider new ways you can help further support your organization.  Some have added Wellness Days to their additional Paid Time Off Policy to further support employees in 2022.  

Consider how employees will look back on this challenging time and think about how supportive their employers were.  

Meet with leaders to gain input on out how we can further supportBook regular meetings to connect is a great first step.  Training programs are a great way to get everyone on board in your organization. This can mean getting all of the Leadership team together for a class, or even just a refresher on employment law.

There’s a lot we can’t control, but there’s also a lot that we can.  Don’t allow your external environment to control your happiness.  If there’s one thing you take from this, make it your self-care.  Take care of yourself and the rest will follow.  As professionals, to be at our best, we need to ensure that we are supporting our people and looking after their health and well-being.  Stay connected and continue to put effort forward in helping them through this difficult time.  Kindness and support will be remembered long after the pandemic has passed. 



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At CulturedHR, our team has been strategically built to give you a well-rounded and comprehensive base of knowledge, experience and insight. Not only does our team collectively bring decades of experience, but we also share an unwavering dedication to excellence and professionalism in everything we do.

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